Day 6



Woke up to the noise of the fishing boats. Yayoi got a free bag of mixed small fry. They wouldn’t take beer, so we gave them some cold Cokes from the store.
We had anchovies and sardines for breakfast! Shiny eyes, fresh as fresh can be. Yayoi cooked them on the boat in oil/lemon/capers. Fed the live fish after. Watched a squid hunting under our transom.

09:30 – Shoved off, more good wind until the lee of Kalymnos. Motored to get good wind, then sailed all the way into Pserimos Harbor.
13:30 – Tahiti tie first try. Smooth :)

Hiked past goat country to the church taken by the sea. No swimming. Sponge argument (so loud! so long!). Afterwards, one vendor was left and she was crying. Yayoi hugged her and she told us her story. The sponge vendors were all related and would bring up the past in every argument. Very heated. The English speaking one’s husband left her and she raised her four sons herself. They are now successful with families in Australia and she visits them every winter. Nice lady.