Food and Water

  1.  We will carry 90 meals each, including emergency food, enough for 40 days away from land.
  2. – Great reference for preparing food on-board.
  3. We’ll eat whatever we can make with fish, rice, pasta, canned goods, eggs, and anything preserved. Almost everything in America is wrapped in plastic, so we’ll try to reduce that as much as possible before departure. We don’t want to dump it in the ocean, and we don’t want to carry it with us the whole way! Sealable bulk-style plastic bins will be very useful.
  4. Water:
    1. We will have a total of 110 gallons of stored water, plus the supply from the water-maker.
      1. This makes 1.8 gallons of water per person, per day, for 20 days, plus the water-maker water. This should be plenty for drinking and cooking, even without the water-maker.
      2. If the water-maker fails, we will reduce our water use to 1 gallon per person per day so we will have plenty for emergency use.
      3. There is also an emergency hand-pumped water-maker, but we should never need to use it.
    2. The water-maker will be used to convert salt water into drinking water. It outputs very pure, high quality drinking water.
    3. 70 gallons of drinking water/cooking water will be stored in the steel water tank. This water tastes like tap water, so it’s clean but not as amazing as the water-maker. As we use the tank water, we will refill it with water-maker water.
      1. In case the water-make goes wonky, we will direct all water-maker water into a 5 gallon container as an intermediary. Once full we will test it with an electronic meter and taste it before dumping it into the main tanks. This will prevent us from contaminating the tank supply!
    4. 30 gallons of drinking water/cooking water will be stored in a separate, plastic water tank which is also built into the boat.
    5. 10 gallons of drinking water will be stored in two, 5 gallon collapsible water containers.

      Mid-channel night Mahi! And we were just about to bring the lines in for the night.

      Mid-channel night Mahi! And we were just about to bring the lines in for the night.

  5. Breakfast (50 meals):
    1. Omelets with rice and fruit (20 meals each)
      1. 120 eggs (2 eggs each meal)
      2. 10 cans spam (or other canned meat).
      3. 10 links portuguese sausage.
      4. 10 lb bag of rice.
      5. 45 pieces of fruit (
        1. Apples, oranges, or other fruits that last.
    2. Pancakes (20 meals each)
      1. 10 lb bag of pancake mix
      2. Tub of margarine
      3. Syrup
    3. Oatmeal (10 meals each)
      1. 3 lbs oatmeal mix
  6. Lunch (10 meals)
    1. Fresh bread fixins (enough for 5 loaves)
      1. 1 package flour
      2. 5 packets yeast
      3. Oil
      4. 1 package sugar
    2. Sandwiches (10 sandwiches each)
      1. 3 loaves bread
      2. 8 logs Salami
      3. 4 packs Pastrami
      4. 10 cans tuna
      5. Costco sized peanut butter
      6. Costco sized jam
      7. 8 bricks hard cheese
  7. Dinner (30 meals)
    1. Soups (10 meals)
      1. 3 packs bouillon cubes (beef, tomato, veggie)
      2. 5 cans tomato paste
      3. 8 cans meat
      4. 8 cans veggies
      5. 10 onions
      6. 4 lbs beans
      7. 5 cans hominy
      8. 10 lbs potatoes
    2. Pasta (20 meals each)
      1. 10 lbs spaghetti
      2. 10 jars sauce
  8. Snacks
    1. Jerky
    2. Add here.
  9. Misc spices and cooking ingredients
    1. Sandwich condiments
    2. Add here.
  10. Here’s some quality info from “How to Sail Around the World” by Hal Roth. Great book.
    1. Eggs (greased with petroleum jelly), potatoes, and onions will easily last four or five weeks—plenty of time, since most sea passages are less than a month.
    2. Grapefruit, oranges, limes, and lemons—especially if carefully selected and wrapped in aluminum foil—will stay fresh for a month or more. Occasionally one goes bad, but it’s infrequent.
    3. Jam or jelly in use.
    4. Gouda, Tillamook, Edam, Bonbel, and various wheels of cheese keep well until the wax is broken.
    5. Carrots and cabbages last two or three weeks.
    6. Dried beans and barley for soups keep a year or more.
    7. Spaghetti and rice are good for at least a year. To defeat weevils and their eggs, soak a pad of cotton in 190-proof grain alcohol, put it on top of a full container of rice, and screw down the lid.
    8. Burrida (white fish recipe):
      1. The recipe works best with cod or a white-fleshed fish that has just been caught. We tried it a few days ago with mahimahi and it was excellent. For three people.
      2. In a large covered frying pan, put in 3 tablespoons olive oil, 1 small onion, and 1 small clove garlic. Sauté until soft.
      3. Add ½ cup diced canned tomatoes (or fresh if available), 2 teaspoons dried parsley (or ¼ c. fresh parsley),¼ teaspoon anchovy paste (from one of those big toothpaste tubes), and ¼ cup white wine. Cook 5–10 minutes.
      4. Add ¼ teaspoon each cayenne pepper, salt, and pepper, ½ bay leaf, and ¾ to 1 pound fish cut into chunks. Simmer 15 minutes (over a flame tamer) or until the fish is cooked. Serve with rice or pasta. This recipe can easily be doubled or tripled for a crowd.

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