Anchored just outside the Turning Basin, beached the dinghy and walked to the Harbor Master’s Office.
In the morning I had to check in with the Kahului Harbor Master by 8 am. I walked 20 minutes to the office, filled out some paperwork, showed them my registration and paid $9 for 2 nights anchor. They even drove me back to my dinghy after. Nice folks, but a lot of hassle just to pay $9! I went back for breakfast and to pick up the crew and bags for another day of kiting Maui north-shore.
Our Cruising Hawaii book said to pull the dinghy up on the beach near the canoe club, so that’s what we did. No lock or anything, just pulled it up between some bushes and hoped for the best.
While waiting for a taxi to take us to the beach, a hotel shuttle pulled over and asked if we needed a lift. Sure! So we got a free ride to the beach, stopping off for some beer and snacks on the way. Then kite kite kite all day! Too much kiting for pictures, sorry :)