Wow. This year was expensive! Almost $30,000 spent on the boat!
I was living and working on the boat the entire year. I also hauled out, new paint (topsides and bottom), added solar, five new AGM batteries, new sail, new spinnaker pole, a new bimini, plus a fair amount of replacing old bits and pieces in preparation for the Tahiti trip. Expensive, yes. But she’s in the best shape of her life!
New top and bottom paint (See Paint Gelcoat Oil Varnish: $2256.
New Solar: 2 x 100 Watt panels and installation, $400.
New Bimini Top: $403.
Dodger refabric: $668.
New Sat Phone: $458.
New Spinnaker Pole: $2677.
Slip fees: $6382. (Not counting live-aboard fees: $2600.)
New jib: $3059.