Get A PHRF Cert

- To race in the Hawaii Yacht Racing Association races, you will need to be a member of a club and show a PHRF certificate. Go to to view the member clubs to choose from.
- I chose the Keehi Boat Club for it’s location and $120/yr fee as of 2015.
- Join US Sailing:
- You will enter your personal information, create a password and pay the $50 yearly fee.
- Contact US Sailing and submit a PHRF application.
- I contacted US Sailing’s Offshore Technical Assistant, Christian Bragdon at his USSAILING.ORG address (christianbragdon) and he sent me the form to fill out which I then returned to him.
- The next day, Christian emailed me a link to validate the new certificate on the US Sailing site. The PHRF rating was much lower than I expected, and comparing it to the other boats I race against ensures Siren will be at a disadvantage. 102 PHRF rating?? The average Cal 39 in Hawaii is 108, so my start time will be after most comparable boats have departed.
- I emailed Christian with references to other race boats, but he replied hoping the rating will push me to race harder, haha. 102 rating stands!