Let me introduce myself. I grew up sailing dinghies for fun on the lakes of Minnesota and Oregon until I moved to Hawaii in 2006 where my love of water and sailing continued to grow. The ocean has so much more to offer than the small, gusty lakes of my past! Immediately upon moving to Hawaii, I searched for a good group of sailors and found them in the form of the Nawiliwili crew racing their 30-40 foot boats out of Kauai. Racing with them was extremely fun and a valuable learning experience, the highlight being the Around-The-Island race running a full spinnaker under the cliffs of the Napali Coastline. Wow!
A few years later, I moved to Oahu for work and bought my first sailboat, a 1978 Cal 39. I lived on the boat for two years sailing almost every day, racing Wednesdays and Fridays, day sailing with friends, anchoring off Waikiki on Sundays and sailing quite a few inter-island trips to Molokai, Kauai, Maui and The Big Island. Sailing for fun in the Mediterranean and ferrying boats provided plenty of good experience as well. From sailing tiny Sunfish and Lazers to 30-40′ racer/cruisers to 40-50′ big ocean cruising, I love it all!
I started Sailor’s Life For Me as mainly a collection of how-to articles to remind myself what I did and the steps I took to accomplish some form of maintenance on the boat. Then I thought it would be helpful info for other sailors. So here we are: a slightly refined website version of the notes I took while working on the boat through the years.
Happy Sailing (and maintaining)!

Out for a solo sail off Waikiki
Hey Adam,
Its been a pleasure working with you these past few months. I’m looking forward to reading your trip updates on your way to Tahiti. I wish you fair weather and calm seas and I hope someday our paths cross again.
Hey Adam
Just wanted to drop a note to say I look forward to hearing about your trip. I have a 1983 Cal 39 Mk III on the Chesapeake Bay. Not many Cal 39 owners out there talking about cruising but they are a great boat! Good luck!
Great Blog Adam, it’s nice to see the pics of your boat after hearing about her! I don’t think I could climb to the top of that mast…
Post Script; I finished the Hornblower series, which ones next? :)